Alzheimer’s Ravaging Latinos. Also, Republicans Target Medicare.

Wednesday_673x324 (4)WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8
PROGRAM # 7993 12:00 PM PST.

Alzheimer’s Ravaging Latinos.

Experts predict a dramatic rise of Alzheimer’s cases among Latinos. In the next years, the disease will affect millions of Latino elders. News reporters covering the health beat comment on the emotional and financial strain on family caregivers, the efforts to help families who are dealing with this crisis, and other topics.

Guests: Ana Ibarra, Reporter, Kaiser Health News, Sacramento, CA; Heidi de Marco, Reporter, Kaiser Health News, Los Angeles, CA.

Republicans Target Medicare. Republican leaders in Congress are moving to overhaul Medicare, turning it into a voucher-like, private insurance program. The speaker of the House and Trump’s health secretary nominee have advocated for privatizing Medicare, so that instead of receiving benefits paid by the government, a beneficiary receives vouchers to buy private insurance. Advocates for seniors are launching a national campaign to oppose the move.

Guest: Hilda Delgado, Communications Director, American Association of Retired Persons (AARP-California), Pasadena, CA.


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