Alerts on Heat Disasters.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, AUGUST 4
PROGRAM # 9705 12:00 PM PT

Alerts on Heat Disasters.

Heat waves kill more people than floods, tornadoes and hurricanes together. Still, unlike hurricanes, they don’t have warning categories. That may change if California approves a first-in-the-nation warning system to help Californians be alert and prepared to deal with high heat events. Policy makers who are spearheading the legislation talk about it.

Guests: State Assemblyman Eduardo García, D-Coachella, Sacramento, CA; Ricardo Lara, State Insurance Commissioner, Sacramento, CA; Cindy Montañez, Executive Director, TreePeople, San Fernando, CA (TBC); Yvonne Mariajiménez, President, Executive Director, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA (TBC).


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