Zoning for Affordable Housing.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MARCH 24.
PROGRAM # 7746 12:00 PM PT

Zoning for Affordable Housing.

Residents of low-income neighborhoods in Fresno, CA, are suing the city. They say the city has in place zoning policies that are exclusionary, a subtle form of discrimination, and are discriminatory and contribute to segregation. The city has zoned too few sites for multi-family housing in the more affluent neighborhoods and has denied opportunities for better housing to people of low income and people of color. Advocates discuss this case.

Guests: Ashley Werner, Attorney, Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability, Fresno, CA; Rosalina Carson and Rosalba Cardenas, residents of Jane Addams neighborhood, representatives of Familias Addams por un Mejor Futuro, Fresno, CA.

Photo: kvpr.org

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