Latino Vote Diluted.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MARCH 8
PROGRAM # 8281 12:00 PM PT

Latino Vote Diluted.

A federal judge ruled that a redistricting plan in Kern County violated the voting rights of Latinos. The court determined that current map splits Latino communities, illegally diluting the voting power of Latinos and ordered the design of new political lines, a move that may give local Latinos the chance to elect more candidates. Key players in the lawsuit talk about the evidences presented to the court and the first consequences that this legal fight is already having in governing bodies in this conservative region, which has been compared with Southern states. They also comment on citizen initiatives in several cities to effect a change in the election system, from at-large to single-district, and how the Woodland city council changed in the last election from majority White to majority Latino thanks to the new method. Guest analysts also reflect on the meaning of today’s celebrations of International Women’s Day.

Guests: Julia Gomez, Staff Attorney, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Los Angeles, CA; Dolores Huerta, President, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Bakersfield, CA.


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