Gorsuch Vote. Also, Green Light for Toxic Insecticide.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, APRIL 6
PROGRAM # 8036 12:00 PM PT

Gorsuch Vote.

Republicans in the Senate responded with the nuclear option and altered the rules to pave the way for a vote to confirm Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court after Democrats filibustered his nomination. Analysts comment on the meaning of the repeal of the need for a supermajority to confirm Supreme Court judges and the legal record of the nominee.

Guests: Cruz Reynoso, Former Associate Justice of the California Supreme Court, Professor of Law, UC Davis School of Law, Davis, CA; Maritza Perez, Policy Analyst, MALDEF, Washington, D.C.

Green Light for Toxic Insecticide. Against the advice of scientists with the federal environmental agency, the chief of the EPA, Scott Pruitt rejected a ban against the toxic pesticide known as chlorpyrifos, setting the stage for legal battles with environmental and farmworker groups. Advocates discuss the issue.

Guests: Angel Garcia, Community Organizer, El Quinto Sol de America, Founder, Coalition Advocating for Pesticide Safety, Tulare, CA; Adrianna Quintero, Founder and Executive Director, Voces Verdes, Director of Partner Engagement, National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), San Francisco, CA

Photo: democracynow.org

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