Latino Voters and Latina Leaders.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11
PROGRAM #9084 12:00 PM PST

Latino Voters and Latina Leaders.

Latinos in Miami and the state of Florida are a small share of the Latino electorate and still, they and their story manage to capture the nation’s headlines. Where is the story of the Latino voters who turned out in record numbers and had a seismic impact in Arizona, Nevada, and other battleground states? Analysts comment on this and on the urgent efforts to build a new generation of Latina leaders, who are described as “the elusive white whale of politics” in recent elections, and break with tokenism in the major political parties. They also discuss the Latinas who could make history filling Kamala Harris’ Senate seat in California if the current senator gets elected Vice President.

Guests: Gerardo Guzman, News Director, HNS – Hispanic News Service, Atlanta, GA; Maria Rodriguez, Executive Director, Florida Immigrant Coalition, Miami, FL; Luisa Santos, member-elect of Miami-Dade County Public Schools school board, District 9, Miami, FL.

Photo: Allie barton/

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