Homelessness and immigration raids.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JULY 15
PROGRAM # 8650 12:00 PM PT

Homelessness and immigration raids.

According to a new report, homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area is growing and this crisis is worse than expected, hitting the children particularly hard. A community organizer and former homeless resident calls on local leaders to invest more funds in affordable housing and to let the homeless tax, to fund housing for the homeless, to be implemented. On other news, while massive ICE raids didn’t materialize over the weekend, local governments and civil rights lawyers are on high alert and advise families to exercise their rights and seek legal help. Analysts also comment on Trump’s racially-charged comments on several congresswomen, and the new rule to end asylum protections to migrants who pass through another country first.

Guests: Miguel Carrera, Housing Justice Organizer, Coalition on Homelessness, San Francisco, CA; Hilda Solís, Supervisor, County of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Luis Angel Reyes Savalza, Attorney, Pangea Legal Services, San Francisco, CA; Luz López, Attorney, Immigrant Justice Project, Southern Poverty Law Center, Baltimore, MD.

Photo: nuestra-voz.org

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