Election Day Eve. Hour 1.

monday4_673x324In this two-hour special coverage, analysts and political leaders give their perspective on key House, Senate, and gubernatorial races and ballot initiatives to watch; the anticipated impact of Latino voters on Election Day; issues driving Latino voters to the polls; efforts to educate voters in states with voter ID requirements; and reports on the early voter turnout.

Guests: Dr. Guillermo Cantor, Senior Policy Analyst, American Immigration Center, Washington, DC, www.AmericanImmigrationCouncil.org ; Arturo Vargas, Executive Director, National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO), Los Angeles, CA, http://www.naleo.org ; Lily Eskelsen García, President, National Education Association, Denver, CO, http://www.nea.org

Photo: LA County Registrar/Facebook

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