Election Day Eve.

Monday_673x324 12pmMONDAY, NOVEMBER 7
PROGRAM # 9814 12:00 PM PT

Election Day Eve.

Control of the US Congress and President Biden’s agenda for the next two years, as well as dozens of governorships, are at stake. Amid threats of violence and incidents of voter intimidation, almost 40 million votes were cast nationwide up to this weekend. Pre-election voting is exceeding the 2018 levels in key states. Latinos’ growing power in this election is fueled by the record number of young citizens who turn 18 and the newly-naturalized citizens. News correspondents give an overview of the last efforts to mobilize and defend the Latino vote in the most critical states, including Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

Guests: José López Zamorano, Washington, DC; Gerardo Guzmán, Atlanta, GA; Maritza Félix, Phoenix, AZ; Mario de la Rosa, Editor, Ahora Latino Journal, Reno, NV; Lydia Camarillo, President, Southwest Voter Registration Project, San Antonio, TX.

Photo: Elliott Stallion via Unsplash

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