Election Eve.

Monday_673x324 67MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2
PROGRAM #9067 11:00 AM PT

Election Eve.

Political analysts comment on the historic numbers of voters who have voted early, the early vote data, the final push to turn out voters, findings from Election Eve opinion polls, the Latino races to watch, key propositions and races in the California ballot and the efforts to counter voter disinformation attacks on social media and to catch voting irregularities.

Guests: Lizzette Escobedo, State Director of Civic Engagement Policy, National Association of Latino Elected Officials, Los Angeles, CA; Diana Colín, Political Director, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles -CHIRLA, Los Angeles, CA; Dr. Gonzalo Santos, Sociologist, Professor Emeritus, Cal State University Bakersfield, Bakersfield, CA

Photo: marylandattorneygeneral.gov

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