Gun Violence and Police Abuse.


PROGRAM # 7848 12:00 PM PST.

Gun Violence and Police Abuse.

Juan Felipe Herrera, the Poet Laureate of the United States, published a poem during the week of grief over the deadly shootings in Baton Rouge, St. Paul and Dallas, inviting people to celebrate peace activists and officers, and remember the shooters and the dead. In this interview, he reads his poem “The Crossroads – A Sudden American Poem,” and reflects on the scourge of gun violence in the US. Also, a community leader comments on efforts to bring citizen oversight to police in Kern County, CA, after a history of abuse of power. Local police agencies have been described as the deadliest in the US.

Guests: Juan Felipe Herrera, Poet Laureate of the US, Fresno, CA; Dr. Gonzalo Santos, Sociologist, Professor at California State University Bakersfield, Advisor, Coalición de Kern por la Ciudadanía, Bakersfield, CA; Sgt. Gary Carruesco, Public Information Officer, Bakersfield Police Department, Bakersfield, CA (In Writing).


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