Neighborhoods in Ashes. Also, Harvey Flooding Recovery.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, OCTOBER 23
PROGRAM # 8183 12:00 PM PST.

Neighborhoods in Ashes.

Neighborhoods in Ashes. A Sheriff who leads emergency rescue efforts in the area most devastated by recent firestorms in Northern California charged ICE with spreading inaccurate and inflammatory information about the wildfires and inciting fear among immigrants. ICE and right-wing websites linked the wildfires to “illegal aliens” and attacked non-cooperation policies. Analysts also comment on the relief available for homeowners, services for the undocumented, recovery efforts for the tens of thousands of victims, and urgent tips on the painstaking cleanup work of the ashes and debris, including health and safety notice to employers and workers.

Guests: Ricardo Ibarra, Editor, La Prensa Sonoma, Santa Rosa, CA; Alegría de la Cruz, Chief Deputy County Counsel, County of Sonoma, Sonoma, CA; Erika Monterroza, Deputy Director of Communications for the Department of Industrial Relations, spokesperson, Cal/OSHA, Oakland, CA

Harvey Flooding Recovery. After Harvey flooding, Houston is struggling to recover from the devastation. What’s in the future for the thousands of displaced families? What’s being done to deal with the environmental disaster in the neighborhoods near the oil refineries and petrochemical plants? And in a state facing an immigration crackdown and construction worker shortage, where are the workers going to come from?

Guest: Jessica Rangel, Executive Director, “Ojos de un Soñador”, Houston, TX.

Photo: CHP – Golden Gate Division/Facebook

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