A Party in Trouble. Also, No to Texas Voter Purge.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MARCH 7
PROGRAM # 8558 12:00 PM PT

A Party in Trouble.

Going against the headwinds of Trumpism, California Republicans elected a Latina as the first woman to lead the state Republican Party. After suffering historic losses in the November election, the conservative party will begin a new chapter, said the new chair. Can she save the embattled party in California without breaking with Trump? Does she have a specific plan or agenda for the Latino voter? What’s ahead for state Republicans in 2020?

Guest: Luis Alvarado, Republican Strategist, Los Angeles, CA.

No to Texas Voter Purge. A federal judge blocked Texas’ plan to purge voters, finding no evidence of widespread election fraud. State Republican leaders have questioned the US citizenship of nearly 100,000 voters. What does this ruling mean? An analyst comments on this and similar plans in Florida and North Carolina.

Guest:  Domingo Garcia LULAC National PresidentLULAC – League of United Latin American Citizens, Dallas, TX.

Photo: capradio.org

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