A Day Without a Woman.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8
PROGRAM # 8013 12:00 PM PST.

A Day Without a Woman.

Building on the women’s marches of January, grassroots feminist organizers are calling for a one-day strike for women on International Women’s Day. With rallies and walkouts around the country and the world, organizers are demanding a life free of violence, reproductive justice and labor rights for women. Renowned women’s advocates and organizers give their perspective.

Guests: Dolores Huerta, President, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Bakersfield, CA; Marcela Romero Rivera, Visiting Assistant Professor, Spanish and Hispanic Studies, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY; Nestora Salgado,  Chief, Olinalá’s Community Police, Former Political Prisoner in Mexico,  Los Angeles, CA

Photo: aim.org

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