A Taco Truck at Every Mosque.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JULY 3
PROGRAM # 8101 12:00 PM PST.

A Taco Truck at Every Mosque.

By welcoming “a taco truck at every mosque” to break the fast of Ramadan, Muslims turned a derogatory remark from Trump campaign into an opportunity to celebrate tacos and bring Muslims and Latinos together. In a message against the atmosphere of hate around the nation, thousands of Muslims in Southern California and one other state broke their fast by sharing halal tacos with Latino neighbors. Organizers of this campaign tell the story. Also, a Muslim leader comments on the partial travel ban the Trump administration seeks to enforce as well as on the rallies targeting Muslims and their counter-rallies.

Guests: Benjamin Vazquez, Co Founder, Latino Muslim Unity, Santa Ana, CA; Claudia Pérez, Activist, Resilience OC, #LatinoMuslimUnity, Santa Ana, CA; Dr. Hafeez Rehman, Spokesperson, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Amsterdam, NY; Rida Hamida, Founder, Latino Muslim Unity, Taco Truck at Every Mosque Campaign, Santa Ana, CA.

Photo: #LatinoMuslimUnity

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