Final State of the Union.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JANUARY 12.
PROGRAM # 7694 12:00 PM PT

Final State of the Union.

President Obama gives his final state of the union address. As he begins his farewell from office, he is expected to discuss key issues faced by the country and lay out his legacy. Pointing to the rise in hateful anti-Islamic rhetoric and attacks, Democrats are bringing Muslim-American community leaders as guests. This program also includes a discussion on the recent round of deportations against Central American refugee families and the tactics used by agents to enter immigrants’ homes.

Guests: Rep. Xavier Becerra, Congressmember, D-LA, Chair, US House Democratic Caucus, Washington, DC; Dr. Hafeez Rehman, Spokesperson, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Amsterdam, NY; Rosalba Piña, Attorney, Expert on Immigration Law, Chicago, IL.

Photo: The White House‎President Obama’s Final State of the Union/Facebook

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