Trump Elected: What’s Next.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14
PROGRAM # 7930 12:00 PM PST.

Trump Elected: What’s Next.

President-elect Trump made a number of promises for his first 100 days in office. He pledged to renegotiate NAFTA, open doors for oil and gas production, end DACA, start deporting millions of immigrants and building a wall with Mexico, repeal the health care reform, and more. Analysts comment on the promise and reality of Trump’s plan and on his most recent statements as well as the background of members of his transition team.

Guests: Erika Andiola, Political Director, Our Revolution, Washington, DC; Hector Barreto, Chairman, The Latino Coalition, Los Angeles, CA ; Hilda Solis, Supervisor, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, Los Angeles, CA; Hector Sanchez, Chair, National Hispanic Leadership Agenda, Executive Director, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, Washington, DC.


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