Trump Elected: Communities in Crisis.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15
PROGRAM # 7931 12:00 PM PST.

Trump Elected: Communities in Crisis.

After the election, families of immigrants are worried about their uncertain future, Dreamers fear deportation, and children of immigrants and their peers are reportedly anxious and scared. Experts provide advice on how to find crisis support, and discuss the legal rights for DACA beneficiaries and undocumented immigrants. Also, high school students interviewed during a march in Los Angeles talk about their protest and concerns.

Guests: Ignacia Rodriguez, Immigration Policy Advocate, National Immigration Law Clinic, Los Angeles, CA; Professor Marcelo Suárez-Orozco, Wasserman Dean & Distinguished Professor of Education, University of California UCLA, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Hilda Solís, Supervisor, County of Los Angeles; Gilberto Cedillo, Councilmember, City of Los Angeles; Steve Zimmer, Board Member, LAUSD, Los Angeles, CA; Audio of Protesting High School Students, Los Angeles, CA


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