Trump Subpoenaed. New Leader, Strong Progressive Voice. The Voters Turn.

Monday_673x324 12pmMONDAY, OCTOBER 24
PROGRAM # 9794 12:00 PM PT

Trump Subpoenaed.

The Jan 6 Committee issued a subpoena to former President Trump for testimony and for documents. What are the next moves?

Guest: José López Zamorano, News Reporter, Washington, DC.

New Leader, Strong Progressive Voice. Vanessa Cárdenas has been named the new leader of America’s Voice, a national organization that advocates for progressive, pro-immigrant policies. In this conversation, she discusses the road ahead in the quest for immigration reform and the challenges Latino voters face as they enter the midterm elections, including disinformation campaigns and restrictive voting laws.

Guest: Vanessa Cárdenas, Executive Director, America’s Voice, Washington, DC.

The Voters Turn. In this informal survey among radio listeners, voters share their feelings about the midterm election. They talk about their plans and misgivings. While some express disappointment, others say they are enthusiastically encouraging family members to vote. The high cost of gas, health insurance policies, and housing, as well as the inaction on immigration reform, are among the top concerns.

Photo: January 6th committee via facebook

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