Sentencing Reform Initiative Woes.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MARCH 3.
PROGRAM # 7731 12:00 PM PT

Sentencing Reform Initiative Woes.

A ballot measure in California to reform mandatory sentencing, cut prison terms and allow early release of inmates convicted of a nonviolent offense got provisional green light from the state’s supreme court after been blocked by a judge from gathering voter signatures. Advocates plan to get the initiative in the November ballot. While this is advertised as a cost-saving measure, what would be its effects on communities that are most impacted by mass incarceration?

Guests: Frankie Guzmán, Attorney, National Center for Youth Law, Oakland, CA; Marlene Sánchez, Associate Director, Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice, Oakland, CA; Mar Vélez, Organizing and Policy Campaign Manager, Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice, Oakland, CA.

Photo: Human Right

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