Census Workers to Knock on Your Doors.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30
PROGRAM # 8727 12:00 PM PT

Census Workers to Knock on Your Doors.

As the US prepares for the 2020 Census and the Census Bureau seeks to hire half million Census takers, community organizations ramp up efforts to recruit volunteer workers and canvass neighborhoods door-to-door to help ease fears in hard-to-count communities. A community leader joins this program to report on the canvassing effort, dispel myths about the count and explain the benefits of a full count that includes the last to be counted, the children. A census spokesperson gives details about the mass recruitment of enumerators.

Guests: Ruben Tapia, Reporter, Los Angeles, CA; Eliana Honeycutt, Civic Engagement Coordinator, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Bakersfield, CA; María Olmedo-Malagón, National Spokesperson, Public Information Office, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C.

Photo: kbia.org

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