First Catholic Bishop Takes a Knee. Texas Ranger Statue Removed. Georgia’s Voting Disaster.

Wednesday_673x324(4)WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10
PROGRAM # 8911 12:00 PM PT

First Catholic Bishop Takes a Knee.

After taking a knee during a Black Lives Matter protest, El Paso’s Catholic bishop got a call from Pope Francis thanking him for speaking out. Bishop Sietz talks about his action of protest and solidarity, the unusual call from the Pontiff, and the connections between the acts of police violence and racism and last year’s massacre in El Paso against Mexicans by a White supremacist gunman.

Guest: Msgr. Mark Sietz, Bishop, Diocese of El Paso, El Paso, TX.

Texas Ranger Statue Removed. After years of debate, the city of Dallas removed a Texas Ranger statue at the local airport over the Rangers’ history of racism and brutality. A civil rights leader talks about the meaning of removing racist monuments and tells the story of El Porvenir, a border town that was wiped out after a massacre of Mexican Americans perpetrated by Texas Rangers one hundred years ago.

Guest: Domingo Garcia, National President, LULAC, Dallas, TX.

Georgia’s Voting Disaster. Georgia voters in Black and Latino communities faced long lines, hours of wait and broken voting machines went they went to the primary polls yesterday. Advocates warn this is a disaster that may be repeated in November.

Guest: Gerardo Guzmán, News Director, Hispanic News Service, Atlanta, GA.


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