Scare and Disinformation Tactics.

Wednesday_673x324 12WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28
PROGRAM #9062 12:00 PM PT

Scare and Disinformation Tactics.

As the Latino vote is positioned to play a key role in the swing states of Arizona, Florida and North Carolina, efforts to suppress the Latino vote have escalated. Some groups are taking steps to prevent voter intimidation and violence, including from armed paramilitary groups, at the polls. Other advocates are countering disinformation attacks targeting Spanish-speaking Latinos with activities to combat false claims and conspiracy theories. Congressional leaders are asking the FBI to investigate racist online and radio campaigns as well as messages that spread spoofed ballot and polling information.

Guests: Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, D, Florida, Miami, FL (TBC); Adrián Reyna, United We Dream, Seattle, WA. TBC.


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