Vote Supression, Voter Turnout.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5
PROGRAM # 8035 12:00 PM PST.

Vote Supression, Voter Turnout.

Texas intentionally discriminated against black and Latino voters when it redrew the map of congressional districts in 2011. That’s what three federal judges found, in a decision that may have profound state and national repercussions. The judges said Texas’ map dilutes the voting power of Latinos and blacks in violation of the Voting Rights Act. Researchers link this type of state practices with lower voter turnouts in 2016. Analysts also comment about Texas’ voter ID law, which a judge found to have a discriminatory impact.

Guests: Lydia Camarillo, Vice-President, South West Voter Registration Project, San Antonio, TX; Myrna Perez, Deputy Director, Brennan Center’s Democracy Program, Leader of the Center’s Voting Rights and Elections Project, Brennan Center for Justice, New York, NY.


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