Super Tuesday: The Hopefuls.

Monday_673x324 march 2 8816MONDAY, MARCH 2
PROGRAM # 8816 11:00 AM PT

Super Tuesday: The Hopefuls.

While Bernie Sanders emerges as the favorite for Super Tuesday’s contests and Joe Biden tries to ride the wave of his victory in South Carolina, three presidential candidates drop out of the race. Surrogates and spokespersons for leading presidential Democratic candidates join this special election program to discuss their campaign’s message and efforts to reach out to the Latino vote. A civic organizer also comments on efforts to get out the vote on Super Tuesday’s presidential primary election.

Guests: Diego Sepúlveda, Deputy Organizing Director, Elizabeth Warren Campaign, Los Angeles, CA; Alejandra Soto, National Spokesperson, Mike Bloomberg Campaign, Manhattan, NY; Jasmin Leiva, 99Rootz Senior Organizer, Power California, Fresno, CA.


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