Super Tuesday.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, MARCH 1.
PROGRAM # 7729 12:00 PM PT

Super Tuesday.

On this day, fourteen states at the same time hold their primaries, moving the presidential contest to a larger stage. Latino voters are expected to make a decisive impact on the outcome of at least five states. On the Republican contest, two Latino candidates are entering what may be a do-or-die moment in their fight for the top spot in the race. Analysts comment on Latino and young millennial voter turnout, the issues driving voters to the polls, and the prospects for the Latino Republican hopefuls.

Guests: Jesús Sánchez Melean, Executive Director, El Comercio de Colorado Newspaper, Denver, CO; James Mejía, Contributor, La Voz Colorado, Denver, CO; Antonio González, President, Southwest Voter Registration and Education Project, Los Angeles, CA.


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