“State of Resistance.”

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12
PROGRAM # 8423 12:00 PM PT

“State of Resistance.”

In his new book “State of Resistance,” an award-winning sociologist talks about the Trump moment California experienced 25 years ago under Gov. Wilson. He explains how the state managed to overcome that crisis of division, how the state turned into a bastion of social progressivism, and what can the rest of our polarized nation learn from this California tale. This program also includes news and comments on Measure 105, an anti-immigrant ballot initiative in Oregon and remarks on recent California policies to protect information on immigrants and help them practice as professionals, as well as the challenge of toxic water for poor communities, made by a legislator in an exchange with residents in the San Joaquin Valley.

Guests: Dr. Manuel Pastor, Professor of Sociology, University of Southern California, Author of “State of Resistance,” Fresno, CA; Teresa Alonso León, State Representative, Oregon House of Representatives, Salem, OR; State Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Los Angeles, Kerman, CA.

Photo: fundforsantabarbara.org

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