Child Support: Engaging Parents.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, AUGUST 13
PROGRAM # 8401 12:00 PM PT

Child Support: Engaging Parents.

In recent years, some states have been changing their approach in child support collection. Instead of cracking down, states are collaborating with parents who are behind on child-support payments to help them find jobs, treat alcoholism, and rebuild their relationship with their children. The state of Colorado is emerging as a national model in child-support collection. On National Child Support Awareness Month, officials from California discuss the new social-service oriented approach guiding their work, and answer questions from listening parents who are behind in their payments or feel they have received an unjust increase in their debt, or listeners who ask about ways to file complaints or hold non-compliant, evasive parents accountable.

Guests: Jesus Galindo, Staff Attorney, Intergovernmental Division, Los Angeles County Child Support Services, Los Angeles, CA


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