Holding Up The Mirror.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15
PROGRAM # 8478 12:00 PM PT

Holding Up The Mirror.

Civil rights advocates and historians meet in San Antonio to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the landmark hearings of the US Commission on Civil Rights on critical issues facing Mexican Americans in the Southwest. Today’s leaders will revisit the issues examined half a century ago and discuss the modern challenges ahead for Latinos in areas such as education, employment, criminal justice, immigration, and voting rights. They also speak up against the Trump administration’s zero tolerance policies that “criminalize parents and terrorize children” at the border. A key organizer of the historic, original hearing joins this program, as well as a prominent Mexican-American civil rights leader of the 1960s.

Guests: Richard Avena, Former Southwest Regional Director, US Commission on Civil Rights, San Antonio, TX; Dr. José Angel Gutiérrez, Co-Founder, La Raza Unida Party, professor emeritus, University of Texas, Arlington, Brownsville, TX.

Photo: 50yearslater.org

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