Mass Shootings. Also, War in Ukraine.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, APRIL 21
PROGRAM # 9600 12:00 PM PT

Mass Shootings.

A mass shooting that left six people dead in Sacramento renewed the debate on gun violence, with some calling to restrict early prison release and others demanding tougher gun restrictions. State legislators are working on gun control measures, including a bill that would let private citizens sue gun makers for shootings. Analysts talk about this news and a recent shooting in the New York subway.

War in Ukraine. As the Russia-Ukraine war rages on, millions of refugees have left Ukraine and thousands have reached the US-Mexico border. Analysts comment on the news from the Mexican border, as well as the war developments in Eastern Ukraine and the push for a diplomatic solution. Latino members of Congress are also invited to share their views.

Photo: Chip Vincent via Unsplash

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