Sheriffs: Old and New.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, AUGUST 28
PROGRAM # 8412 12:00 PM PT

Sheriffs: Old and New.

Progressive candidate Alex Villanueva is running a historic challenge for the Sheriff office in Los Angeles, advancing to a second round in November, with promises that the county jail “will not be a pipeline for deportations.” This campaign is seen as part of a national push back from reformers who are taking to task conservative sheriffs, the vast majority of them white, proposing better representation, less incarceration, ending racial profiling in policing and protection for immigrant communities. In contrast, Sheriff Margaret Mims, from conservative Fresno County, talks about her recent report to the public on access to ICE, as required by California’s TRUTH Act, her opposition to California’s Sanctuary Law, her regrets about being restricted to cooperate with ICE and to comply with due process, and her opinion on controversial ICE arrests in courthouses. This program is the first in a new series of journalism on criminal justice, produced in collaboration with The Justice Collaborative.

Guests: Retired Lt. Alex Villanueva, Candidate to Sheriff, Doctor of Public Administration, Los Angeles, CA; Sheriff Margaret Mims, Fresno County, Fresno, CA

Photo: Alex Villanueva/Facebook

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