Universal Internet Service. Also, Build Back Better Bill.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, DECEMBER 13
PROGRAM # 9469 12:00 PM PDT

Universal Internet Service.

President Biden’s new infrastructure law promises the largest public investment in telecommunications and high-speed internet, an essential need during the pandemic. Once the rules are finished, money will flow to the states. Are local broadband providers players in the plan? Will under-connected, rural communities finally enjoy high-speed online service? How about farmworking families? Local government leaders discuss the plan.

Build Back Better Bill. After long and grueling intraparty negotiations in the Democratic Congress, what’s left in the historic human infrastructure plan known as Build Back Better? Will it be passed by Congress before the end of the year?

Guest: Vanessa Cardenas, Democratic Strategist, Washington, DC. (TBC)

Photo: globalpolicy.ieee.org

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