Georgia Runoff: First Results. Also, Voting Rights Supported by Voters.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7
PROGRAM # 9847 12:00 PM PT

Georgia Runoff: First Results.

This is a live report from Atlanta on the first results in the tight race for Georgia’s Senate seat held by Democrat Raphael Warnock, who recently won it in a political upset. Guest analysts examine the results in this formerly reliably Republican state, and provide analysis on the regional and national ramifications, and on the road ahead.

Voting Rights Supported by Voters. Six states had voting access on the ballot in the midterms and voters turned their backs on those proposing stricter voter ID requirements. A new report examines the cases of Arizona and Michigan, the site of efforts to suppress the vote and derail elections by political leaders, where voters chose to uphold access to the ballot box.

Guest: The Brennan Center for Justice, School of Law, New York University.

Photo: Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger

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