Hurricane Irma’s Aftermath: Hunger in the Fields. Also, Permaculture in Baja California.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18
PROGRAM # 8156 12:00 PM PST.

Hurricane Irma’s Aftermath: Hunger in the Fields.

A week after powerful Hurricane Irma hit Florida, thousands of residents in the most impoverished farm working communities are struggling to get food, bottled water and gas. In the farming town of Immokalee, many families were left homeless when their trailer homes were destroyed and many are now jobless after the field crops were wiped out. Organizers have created a relief fund for farmworker communities from Southwest Florida.

Guests: Cruz Salucio, Member, CIW, Radio Announcer, WCIW, Immokalee, FL; Lucas Benítez, Coordinator, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Immokalee, FL

Permaculture in Baja California. Organizers of a pioneering project of permaculture by the US border talk about their efforts to create a small community that lives closer to nature and with sustainable practices. They talk about the organic gardens, natural Mexican buildings, and artisanal wells they have developed. And about the impact the gastronomic boom in the region and the boom of neighboring wine-making Valle de Guadalupe is having on their organic crops and trade.

Guests: Sergio Medel, Pachamama Comercio Justo, Convergencia Permacultura, Tecate, MX; Adriana Whizar, Rancho Bajamosal, Tijuana, MX; Rafael Toscano, Arquitect, Bioconstruction, Tijuana, MX; Isela Ocaña, Volunteer.


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