Time’s Up. Also, Bautista Dates.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JANUARY 18
PROGRAM # 8246 12:00 PM PT

Time’s Up.

Hollywood women used the recent Golden Globe Awards as a stage to bring activists dedicated to gender equality to the limelight and promote the “Time’s Up” movement. A leader of Alianza Nacional de Campesinas was the guest of award-winning actress Laura Dern. Two leaders of farmworking women join this program to comment on their years-long efforts to end violence and exploitation against women farmworkers and low-paid immigrant women. They also comment on the legal fund created by the Time’s Up campaign, Oprah Winfrey speech at the Golden Globes, and the upcoming Women’s March.

Guests: Mily Treviño-Sauceda, Co-Founder and Vice President, Alianza Nacional de Campesinas, Oxnard, CA; Nelly Rodriguez, Organizer, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Immokalee, FL.

Bautista Dates. Owner of a farm of date palms in the California desert, the Bautista family has been growing seven varieties of fresh dates through organic practices that save water and protect the soil. Under their management, the harvests are growing and so are the sales, helped by web marketing. The founder and a son tell the story of the growth of this unique farm.

Guests: Enrique Bautista, Owner; Alvaro Bautista, Sales Manager, Bautista Family Organic Date Ranch, Mecca, CA.

Photo: Alianza Nacional De Campesinas/Facebook

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