Election Roundup.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24
PROGRAM # 8456 12:00 PM PT

Election Roundup.

A top Republican leader discusses the escalating anti-immigrant rhetoric from President Trump and Republican campaigns in the last days of the midterm election and last-minute attempts by Republicans who tried to abolish protections for people with pre-existing conditions to now assure voters that they support those protections. Political analysts from Arizona and Nevada also talk about the record-breaking early vote turnout, the reasons behind the high numbers, and the problems reported by voters to get to vote. This edition of the “Hacia el Voto 2018” series also includes news on reported efforts to suppress the vote in Georgia and Texas.

Guests: Hector Barreto, Chairman, The Latino Coalition, Los Angeles, CA; Montserrat Arredondo, Executive Director, One Arizona, Phoenix, AZ; Maria Teresa Libermann, Deputy Director, Battle Born Progress, Institute for a Progressive Nevada, Las Vegas, NV.

Photo: pewresearch.org

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