Primary Elections Results.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18
PROGRAM # 8833 12:00 PM PT

Primary Elections Results.

Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed crushing victories in the Democratic presidential primaries in Arizona, Illinois and Florida, gaining a 300-delegate lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders. Ohio postponed today’s primaries, citing the coronavirus public health emergency. Analysts give their opinion on the levels of early and mail voting, the turnout and preferences of the Latino vote and the meaning of the results in states with high Latino electorates such as Arizona and Florida. In addition, the latest news on the Coronavirus Families First bill about to be voted on in the US Senate, the stimulus check that’s being advanced by the US Treasury, and an explanation of the places that may open and those that must close during “Shelter-in-Place” orders in effect in ten counties in California.

Guests: Elvia Diaz, Editor, The Arizona Republic, Contributor, Phoenix, AZ; Jessica Alcocer, Osceola and Lake Regional Coordinator, Poder Latinx, Kissammee, FL; Dr. Sergio I. Garcia-Rios, Assistant Professor, Department of Government Latino/o Studies, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY


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