Nevada Caucuses Results.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24.
PROGRAM # 7725 12:00 PM PT

Nevada Caucuses Results.

Democrats and Republicans voted in the caucuses in Nevada, state that is among the hardest hit by the recent Great Recession. Latinos, who make up nearly one fifth of the voters, divided their vote in the highly disputed Democratic race. Analysts comment on the results, the Latino voter turnout, the issues galvanizing the vote and the new scenario after Bush leaves the race.

Guests: Olivia Díaz, Assemblywoman, Chairwoman, Nevada Hispanic Legislative Caucus, Nevada State Legislature, North Las Vegas, NV; Mario de la Rosa, Editor, Ahora Latino Journal, Reno, NV; Alfonso Aguilar, Republican Strategist and Former Chief of the US Citizenship Office, Washington, DC.


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