Death Penalty Back. Also, Redistricting Commission: Citizens Wanted.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JULY 29
PROGRAM # 8660 12:00 PM PT

Death Penalty Back.

Attorney General Barr announced that the federal government will resume executing prisoners, with the first execution scheduled to take place in December. On the same day of the announcement, a Democratic congresswoman introduced a bill to abolish the death penalty. A human rights activist and writer examines the impact of capital punishment on Latino communities and discusses efforts to bring legislation in Congress. This programa also includes news and analysis on President Trump’ attacks on Rep. Cummings calling his district in Baltimore a “rat and rodent infested mess,” after the African-American congressman condemned the humanitarian crisis at the border, and the new mass shooting in Gilroy, CA, where three people were killed by a suspect who had posted hate-filled comments on race on Instagram.

Guest: Magdaleno Rose-Avila, Executive Director, Death Penalty Focus, Former Western Regional Director, Amnesty International, Los Angeles, CA.

Redistricting Commission: Citizens Wanted. California’s State Auditor has received more than 7,500 applications for the Citizens Redistricting Commission, the independent body that was authorized by state voters in 2008 to draw the lines of political districts. State officials are encouraging citizens to apply before the deadline in two weeks and, as few of the applicants are Latinos, civic leaders are urging to push the deadline back.

Guests: Margarita Fernández, Spokesperson, California State Auditor’s Office, Sacramento, CA; Erica Bernal Martinez, Chief Operating Officer, NALEO, Los Angeles, CA.

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