Money Bail Reform.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19
PROGRAM # 8428 12:00 PM PT

Money Bail Reform.

Reform. Gov. Brown recently signed a landmark bill that abolishes bail for those awaiting trial. Under this law, a first of its kind in the nation, judges and risk assessment experts, instead of money, will determine who is released and who remains in jail during trial. Supporters hail the law as the “end of the predatory bail industry and the beginning of a fair pretrial system.” Civil rights leaders, warn that the new system gives too much discretionary power to judges and may lead to worse discrimination and more incarceration, and that they will closely monitor the implementation of the law. Likewise, groups of the bail industry have launched a voter referendum drive to block the law from going into effect.

Guests: Mary Gutierrez, Strategic Campaigns Director, SEIU of California, Sacramento, CA; Norma Chávez-Peterson, Executive Director, American Civil Liberties Union, San Diego-Imperial Counties, San Diego, CA.


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