Redistricting, Voting Rights and More.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, MAY 13
PROGRAM # 9256 12:00 PM PDT

Redistricting, Voting Rights and More.

New population data from the US Census gave Texas, Florida and North Carolina congressional seat gains. Among the biggest losers are California and New York, whose House delegations will shrink, setting the stage for a battle over redistricting and the balance of political power in Washington for the next decade. Analysts comment on calls from grassroots groups to voice their opinions about the boundaries of their communities. They also comment about legislative efforts under way in conservative right-wing states to restrict voting rights. A voting rights advocate also comments on the passing of trailblazing jurist Cruz Reynoso, the first Latino justice on California’s state Supreme Court.

Guests: Lydia Camarillo, President, Southwest Voter Registration Project, San Antonio, TX;  Petra Falcón, Executive Director, Promise Arizona (PAZ), Phoenix, AZ; (Archival Audio Segment) Justice Cruz Reynoso, Davis, CA.


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