Election Rundown and Early Vote.

Friday 4_673x324FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4
PROGRAM # 7920 11:00 AM PT

Election Rundown and Early Vote.

A Latino could make history in Fresno as the first Latino mayor in California’s fifth largest city, a leading Dreamer in the San Joaquin Valley is encouraging citizens to go out and vote around local issues such as water quality and groundwater depletion, Latinos are poised to vote in unprecedented numbers, and a look into some propositions in Colorado and California. These are some topics for this conversation.

Guests: Pedro Ramirez, Director of Organizing, Community Water Center, Visalia, CA; Francisco I. Pedraza, Assistant Professor of Public Policy, School of Public Policy, UC Riverside, Houston Texas; Rocio Saenz, International Executive Vice President, SEIU, Denver, CO

Photo: volusiademocraticparty.org

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