Remembering El Paso Massacre. Also, Election Update.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JULY 30
PROGRAM # 8960 11:00 AM PT

Remembering El Paso Massacre.

On the first anniversary of the massacre in El Paso and the ensuing series of mass raids against Latinos working on poultry plants in Mississippi, community leaders gather in a virtual session to denounce the prevailing rhetoric and policies of White supremacy and xenophobia that made those tragedies possible. In commemoration, they are planning a series of events to honor both those who were killed in El Paso and the hundreds who were detained, deported or traumatized in Mississippi.

Guest: Fernando García, Executive Director, Border Network for Human Rights, El Paso, TX.

Election Update. A political leader discusses recent developments in the election season. The conversation includes Proposition 16, the measure that would restore affirmative action in higher education, government contracts, and public sector jobs in California which is now heading to the ballot in November with tailwinds. He also comments on the extreme lack of Latinos in the new California Citizens Redistricting Commission pool of candidates, and President Trump’s order to exclude Latinos from the census for purposes of reapportioning Congress.

Guest: Miguel Santiago, State Assemblyman, Democrat, Los Angeles, CA.


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