Ramsey Muñiz Free. Also, The Mueller Report.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, APRIL 18
PROGRAM # 8588 12:00 PM PT

Ramsey Muñiz Free.

After more than 24 years in federal prison and thanks to a public “Free Ramsey Muñiz” movement, Chicano activist and lawyer Ramsey Muñiz received a “compassionate release” in December. Muñiz, who gained notoriety after running a surprisingly powerful campaign for governor of Texas in the 1970s, was sentenced to life in prison on drug charges. While some showed skepticism and disappointment, his supporters say his prosecution was politically motivated and intended to destroy an iconic voice for Mexican Americans. In this interview, the civil rights pioneer talks about his early influences, his life as a political activist and governor candidate, and his long years behind bars.

Guest: Ramiro “Ramsey” Muñiz, Former La Raza Unida Party Candidate for Governor of Texas, Former Prisoner, Corpus Christi, TX.

The Mueller Report. The Mueller report is out today. William Barr says there was no Trump-Russian collusion. Mueller implied Trump’s staff declined to carry out orders to obstruct justice. Congress pledges to continue investigation. And House leaders are inviting Mueller to testify.

Guest: (Sound bites) US Attorney General William Barr, News Conference, Washington, DC.

Photo: diy.rootsaction.org

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