Who is the Supreme Court Nominee. Also, Early Voting Picks Up.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28
PROGRAM #9019 12:00 PM PT

Who is the Supreme Court Nominee.

President Trump selects Amy Coney Barrett, a favorite of conservatives, to fill Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court. Republicans will push a Senate confirmation before Election Day. What’s the nominee’s judicial record on women’s and civil rights? How will the battle over the court impact the November election? A guest commentator also gives his view on the revelations that Donald Trump didn’t pay income taxes in ten out of the last 15 years.

Guest: Esteban Garcés, Co-Director, Poder Latinx, Orlando, FL.

Early Voting Picks Up. Just days into the early voting season, hundreds of thousands have already cast ballots absentee, by mail or early in-person ahead of the Nov. 3 elections. Fears of the infection of Covid-19 have prompted states to expand access to mail-in voting. An analyst from one of the first early-voting states talks about the high turnout in the early days and the low voter turnout seen in Latino neighborhoods and the eleven-hour efforts to get out the vote, with a focus on young voters. The highest election official of another state explains the measures in place to prevent coronavirus infections among voters and poll workers, how early voting in person and vote by mail work, and the plans to count the absentee and early ballots. This program also includes a report on the Trump administration appeal of a federal judge order to extend the census count for another month.

Guests: Rodolfo Gutiérrez, Executive Director, HACER, St. Paul, MN; Nellie Gorbea, Secretary of State, Rhode Island Department of State, Providence, RI.

Photo: Molly Butler/mediamatters.org

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