Puerto Ricans: Parade and Referendum. Also, Comey’s Testimony.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JUNE 12
PROGRAM # 8086 12:00 PM PST.

Puerto Ricans: Parade and Referendum.

Nationalist Oscar López Rivera declined to be honored as a national hero in this year’s Puerto Rican Day Parade of New York, after major corporations pulled their sponsorship. The Independence activist, who was recently released after 36 years in prison, joined the march as a “humble Puerto Rican and grandfather.” Analysts comment on the controversy, as well as on this weekend’s nonbinding referendum in Puerto Rico on the status of the island, a measure pushed by pro-statehood politicians. The statehood campaign won the election, in a vote shadowed by an extremely low voter turn out.

Guests: Gerson Borrero, Political Editor and Host, HITN-TV, New York, NY,https://www.hitn.org/; Attorney Natasha Lycia Ora Bannan, President, National Lawyers Guild, Associate Counsel, https://www.nlg.org/ LatinoJustice PRLDEF, New York, NYhttp://latinojustice.org/

Comey’s Testimony. Former FBI director James Comey testified before a US Senate committee that President Trump told lies, pressured him to end Flynn probe, and fired him because of the Russia investigation. A journalist comments on the repercussions of Comey’s testimony and the upcoming hearing of AG Jeff Sessions before the same Senate committee. He also reports on the lawsuit filed by Maryland and DC against President Trump accusing him of violating the Constitution over payments received from foreign governments.

Guests: Jose Lopez Zamorano, corresponsal, Washington, DC

Photo: revolutionarycommunist.org

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