Police Reform Bills. Tear Gas Misuse. Jesuits Massacre Trial.

Thursday_673x324 12THURSDAY, JUNE 18
PROGRAM # 8919 12:00 PM PT

Police Reform Bills.

A police reform House bill known as Justice in Police Act would ban chokeholds and create a misconduct registry. Latino congressmembers have included bills to demilitarize police, prosecute police for deprivation of civil rights and liberties, and ban tear gas and other chemical weapons. A leading member of Congress is invited to discuss the plan.

Tear Gas Misuse. Human rights watchdogs report that police forces are often misusing tear gas and the widespread use of this toxic chemical is fueling police abuses. A leading member of the investigative team examines the use of this riot control agent in recent US demonstrations and warns about the shadowy trade of tear gas in the world.

Guest: Erika Guevara Rosas, Americas Director, Amnesty International, Mexico City.

Jesuits Massacre Trial. US-trained elite troops killed six Jesuits priests and two women in 1989, in one of the most infamous crimes in the civil war in El Salvador. Now, the perpetrators are facing a criminal trial in Spain. The lead prosecutor in this case discusses the historic trial.

Guest: Almudena Bernabeu, International Attorney, Co-Founder and Director, Guernica37 International Justice Chambers, San Francisco, CA.

Photo: skugal.org 

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