Infrastructure Bill. New Civil Rights March. Test for Hate Crime Bill.

Thursday_673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, JULY 29
PROGRAM # 9333 12:00 PM PDT

Infrastructure Bill.

Bipartisan infrastructure talks are now in limbo, and progressive Democrats are moving to increase the bottom line of the social spending bill in case the deal with Republicans falls apart. This is a report on the work to finalize the bipartisan bill and the efforts by Democrats to craft their own “uman” infrastructure plan.

Guests: US Rep. Raul Ruiz, D-CA, Washington, DC (TBC); José López Zamorano, Reporter, Washington, DC

New Civil Rights March. Grassroots groups are midway into a Selma-Style four-day march in Texas to protest Republican restrictions against voting rights in the state and the nation. As Democratic legislators in Texas fled the state and gathered in Washington to press for federal voter protections, clerics and civil rights leaders descend on Austin to connect voter suppression efforts with policies that promote poverty and discrimination.

Test for Hate Crime Bill. A Latino teen was brutally beaten, received racial and homophobic slurs, and nearly died of his injuries in Burlington, WA. Still, the suspect is free on bail and was not charged with a hate crime, sparking community outrage. This case is seen as a litmus test for the first-ever hate crime bill.

Guests: Rocío Linares, Mother of Assaulted Teen Joel Salgado, Burlington, WA; State Rep. Javier Valdéz, D-Seattle, Seattle, WA (TBC).


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