First Election Results.

Wednesday_673x324 75WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4
PROGRAM #9075 1:00 PM PT

First Election Results.

Correspondents from around the nation bring news on the first results of the historic election. They focus on the presidential election, the battle for the US Senate and US House, key Latino races for Congress and state office, and state measures in the ballot of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, and Florida. And as the presidential race may not have a clear winner on Nov 3, days of protest are expected as the votes are tallied.

Guests: Cristy Marrero, Editor-in-Chief, The Americano, New York, NY; Dr. Gonzalo Santos, Associate Professor Emeritus of Sociology, CSU Bakersfield, Bakersfield, CA; audio of Vice President Joe Biden.

Photo: Eva Mera Vazquez/Facebook

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