First Latina Mayor?. Also, Latinos Rising After the Backlash.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4
PROGRAM # 8687 12:00 PM PT

First Latina Mayor?

The first Latina elected to the city council in Tucson is now the Democratic candidate for mayor. With Tucson being a safe Democratic city, the daughter of Mexican immigrants Regina Romero may become in November the first woman and the second Latino to be elected mayor in Tucson’s history. In this conversation, the candidate talks about her vision of planting one million trees and moving to a system of electric public buses as part of her climate resiliency action plan, her proposal to stem gentrification and build affordable housing, and the wave of civic activism that followed Arizona’s anti-immigrant law SB 1070.

Guest: Regina Romero, Mayoral Candidate, Democratic Party, Tucson, AZ. (TBC)

Latinos Rising After the Backlash. Unlike other times when Latinos were used as scapegoats to blame them for the economic ills of the nation, the current political backlash, led by the president, and the El Paso attack against Mexicans happen at a time of economic growth. This is a first. Still, despite the ultraconservative headwinds, Latinos are managing to forge ahead and gain new political ground. A political analyst explains this opinion, and comments on the upcoming border festival “El Paso Strong,” and the new rallying cry #RememberElPaso.

Guest: Dr. David Ayón, Senior Analist and Strategist, Latino Decisions; Social Researcher, Center for the Study of Los Angeles; Author of the Book “Power Shift,” Los Angeles, CA.


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